Dental fluorosis is referred as the change in tooth’s appearance. The reason for this is overexposure to fluoride. The fluoride overexposure’s risk occurs between 3 months to 8 years of ages. The occurrence of Enamel fluorosis is due to permanent teeth forming under the gums. Once these teeth break through the gums, these cannot develop enamel fluorosis. The stains and spots left by fluorosis remain permanent and also might darken over time.

The main reason is water fluoridation and is normally an esthetic problem. Severe cases are caused by exposure to water with natural fluoridated exceeding above the recommended levels, or exposure to other fluoride sources like brick tea or high fluoride coal pollution. Other reasons are use of fluoridated mouthrinse and tooth pastes, bottled waters not tested for fluoride content, inappropriate fluoride supplements usage, ingestion of foods particularly imported from other countries, and public water fluoridation.

The dental fluorosis severity depends upon the amount of fluoride exposure, the child’s age, individual response, degree of physical activity, weight, nutrition, and bone growth.